Museum Coffee Shop


The Museum Coffee Shop is located in the old Strathpeffer train station. It is a quaint setting, with 2 rooms available to sit in or you can eat on the old platform outside on a nice summer’s day (so you’ll probably eat inside). The shop is open from 10am to 5pm in the summer but winter times are different and they aren’t advertised anywhere we can find. We assume the breakfast is served all day as it doesn’t state otherwise however the menu does state that ‘Breakfast may not be available during busy periods’, nightmare! There is also a vegetarian breakfast option.

We were seated instantly and the service was excellent, with our breakfast cooked within 20 minutes. We were also asked whether we would like our tea served now or with the breakfast which was a nice touch. The breakfast appeared grilled and it filled the plate well. The fried egg was well cooked with a runny yolk. Unfortunately you aren’t given the option of poached or scrambled. The bacon was cooked just right and the fat had been trimmed off it, meaning there was no faffing about removing it yourself, if you’re that way inclined. There was only one sausage served with the meal which was the standard breakfast sausage, nothing to complain about and nothing to make it memorable. What was memorable though was the haggis, it was delicious and large and moist and we wanted more! The black pudding was also of a similar size to the haggis but not as tasty as the haggis, it wasn’t the tastiest we’ve tried but it certainly isn’t the worst, it was just nice. The tattie scone was good along with the 2 tomato halves, mushrooms and beans. We were given the option of white or brown toast with our breakfast, we opted for brown. The toast was really nice and you are given 2 slices with butter that was just at the right temperature for spreading.

This breakfast is definitely the ultimate Ryanair of breakfasts, beating the Ship Inn, Invergordon by a country mile. The standard breakfast for £4.95 includes 2 rashers of bacon, a fried egg, one sausage and some toast. If you just ordered this I feel that you might have gone hungry and you would have probably cried. Thankfully you get the option to add extras, with haggis and white/black pudding costing £1.20 extra each. The non-meat extras cost 80p extra each including a tattie scone, tomato, mushrooms and beans. Tea or coffee is also £1.80 extra. Since we are hunting for the Ultimate Full Scottish Breakfast, we opted to go for everything on the list minus the white pudding. All together including tea/coffee the breakfast comes to a whopping £12.35, the most expensive breakfast to date. The non-meat extras are greatly over-priced, a tomato doesn’t cost 80p or a few mushrooms and tattie scone, a tin of beans might but we only got half a tin each. Maybe include the non-meat items in the £4.95 price? A final point to note is that they do not accept cards for payment.

In the points review this breakfast loses marks for not including the choice of egg and for not including a lorne sausage in the extra options. After the breakfast was ordered we noticed that you can have a lorne sausage roll, so the item was on the premises. If it had been included in the extras you would have got another £1.20 out of us. The breakfast gained marks for including haggis, tomatoes and mushrooms as an option. Weighing up all the points, this breakfast scores a 4/5. We only judge on taste, cooking and the amount of items, so points aren’t lost for cost.

This was a very filling breakfast once all the items were added.  The haggis really made this breakfast stand out, otherwise the breakfast would have been on par with the majority of other 3 star breakfasts. What lets this breakfast down though is the cost, I can’t stop going on about it as the cost is a bit ridiculous. To advertise a breakfast with only 3 different items and toast on it is quite poor for £4.95. It is a real shame as a 4 star breakfast should be applauded, but at that price it is only a disappointment.

Recommendations for the Owner to achieve Full Scottish Breakfast Greatness:
(In order of priority)

1. Include beans, tomato, tattie scone and black pudding in your £4.95 breakfast and increase the price by a £1 if necessary. See Basic Scottish Breakfast must haves and the Price comparison page. Charge extra for haggis and mushrooms – but it would be better if they were included.
2. Give the customer the choice of how the eggs are cooked.
3. Include a lorne sausage in the options – we know you have it.

Breakfast served at times
10am - 5pm Mon - Sun (Summer months)
Unknown times (Winter months)
Breakfast advertised as
Breakfast contents
2 Bacon
Fried Egg
2 Toast – choice of brown or white
Tomato – 80p Extra
Beans – 80p Extra
Mushrooms – 80p Extra
Tattie Scone – 80p Extra
White or Black Pudding – £1.20 Extra
Haggis – £1.20 Extra

Vegetarian Breakfast available for £5.95
Tea/Coffee Included
Tea/Coffee £1.80
How cooked
Service Time Queuing
Service Time Waiting for Order
20 mins
Star Score
Points deducted for
No choice of how eggs were cooked
No lorne sausage