Museum Coffee Shop


The Museum Coffee Shop is located in the old Strathpeffer train station. It is a quaint setting, with 2 rooms available to sit in or you can eat on the old platform outside on a nice summer’s day (so you’ll probably eat inside). The shop is open from 10am to 5pm in the summer but winter times are different and they aren’t advertised anywhere we can find. We assume the breakfast is served all day as it doesn’t state otherwise however the menu does state that ‘Breakfast may not be available during busy periods’, nightmare! There is also a vegetarian breakfast option.

We were seated instantly and the service was excellent, with our breakfast cooked within 20 minutes. We were also asked whether we would like our tea served now or with the breakfast which was a nice touch. The breakfast appeared grilled and it filled the plate well. The fried egg was well cooked with a runny yolk. Unfortunately you aren’t given the option of poached or scrambled. The bacon was cooked just right and the fat had been trimmed off it, meaning there was no faffing about removing it yourself, if you’re that way inclined. There was only one sausage served with the meal which was the standard breakfast sausage, nothing to complain about and nothing to make it memorable. What was memorable though was the haggis, it was delicious and large and moist and we wanted more! The black pudding was also of a similar size to the haggis but not as tasty as the haggis, it wasn’t the tastiest we’ve tried but it certainly isn’t the worst, it was just nice. The tattie scone was good along with the 2 tomato halves, mushrooms and beans. We were given the option of white or brown toast with our breakfast, we opted for brown. The toast was really nice and you are given 2 slices with butter that was just at the right temperature for spreading.

This breakfast is definitely the ultimate Ryanair of breakfasts, beating the Ship Inn, Invergordon by a country mile. The standard breakfast for £4.95 includes 2 rashers of bacon, a fried egg, one sausage and some toast. If you just ordered this I feel that you might have gone hungry and you would have probably cried. Thankfully you get the option to add extras, with haggis and white/black pudding costing £1.20 extra each. The non-meat extras cost 80p extra each including a tattie scone, tomato, mushrooms and beans. Tea or coffee is also £1.80 extra. Since we are hunting for the Ultimate Full Scottish Breakfast, we opted to go for everything on the list minus the white pudding. All together including tea/coffee the breakfast comes to a whopping £12.35, the most expensive breakfast to date. The non-meat extras are greatly over-priced, a tomato doesn’t cost 80p or a few mushrooms and tattie scone, a tin of beans might but we only got half a tin each. Maybe include the non-meat items in the £4.95 price? A final point to note is that they do not accept cards for payment.

In the points review this breakfast loses marks for not including the choice of egg and for not including a lorne sausage in the extra options. After the breakfast was ordered we noticed that you can have a lorne sausage roll, so the item was on the premises. If it had been included in the extras you would have got another £1.20 out of us. The breakfast gained marks for including haggis, tomatoes and mushrooms as an option. Weighing up all the points, this breakfast scores a 4/5. We only judge on taste, cooking and the amount of items, so points aren’t lost for cost.

This was a very filling breakfast once all the items were added.  The haggis really made this breakfast stand out, otherwise the breakfast would have been on par with the majority of other 3 star breakfasts. What lets this breakfast down though is the cost, I can’t stop going on about it as the cost is a bit ridiculous. To advertise a breakfast with only 3 different items and toast on it is quite poor for £4.95. It is a real shame as a 4 star breakfast should be applauded, but at that price it is only a disappointment.

Recommendations for the Owner to achieve Full Scottish Breakfast Greatness:
(In order of priority)

1. Include beans, tomato, tattie scone and black pudding in your £4.95 breakfast and increase the price by a £1 if necessary. See Basic Scottish Breakfast must haves and the Price comparison page. Charge extra for haggis and mushrooms – but it would be better if they were included.
2. Give the customer the choice of how the eggs are cooked.
3. Include a lorne sausage in the options – we know you have it.

Breakfast served at times
10am - 5pm Mon - Sun (Summer months)
Unknown times (Winter months)
Breakfast advertised as
Breakfast contents
2 Bacon
Fried Egg
2 Toast – choice of brown or white
Tomato – 80p Extra
Beans – 80p Extra
Mushrooms – 80p Extra
Tattie Scone – 80p Extra
White or Black Pudding – £1.20 Extra
Haggis – £1.20 Extra

Vegetarian Breakfast available for £5.95
Tea/Coffee Included
Tea/Coffee £1.80
How cooked
Service Time Queuing
Service Time Waiting for Order
20 mins
Star Score
Points deducted for
No choice of how eggs were cooked
No lorne sausage

The Seaforth


The Seaforth bar and restaurant is located in the centre of Ullapool close to the ferry terminal. The All day breakfast, as it is advertised, is only served between 0900 and 1200. I think you should probably change the name of this. The restaurant/bar has plenty of room in it but it is still cosy with a nice open fire near the bar, which is stocked with plenty of whisky, enough to make anyone thirsty. We were seated immediately and the food arrived within 15 minutes.

The breakfast was served with toast, but there was no choice of brown or white. There was also no choice of eggs. The fried egg that was served was over cooked as the egg wasn’t runny and it was probably cooked at too high a heat as the bottom of the egg was crispy. The breakfast appears grilled but it only comes with one sausage which was a bit tough however the black pudding was good. One slice of chargrilled bacon is served with the breakfast which tasted excellent, it’s just a shame there was only one rasher though. Mushrooms and a grilled slice of tomato was also on the plate along with stingiest amount of beans ever seen on a breakfast. The beans also looked like they were re-heats as they were clumpy with no bean juice. Finally the tattie scone was the nicest we have tried with a dash of pepper on the top to enhance its flavour. There is also the option to add a lorne sausage for £1 extra but we only noticed this option once it was too late to order it.

The cost of this breakfast is £6.25 or £7.25 with the lorne sausage. Tea or coffee costs £1.50 extra which takes the total to £8.75.

The breakfast contains quite a lot of ingredients and is only missing haggis, the choice of how you would like your eggs cooked and a choice of white or brown toast in order to be eligible to achieve 5 stars. However the quantity of the ingredients leaves you hungry as there was only one rasher of bacon and one sausage where usually you get two, there was also very few beans. The breakfast gained points for having a tomato and mushrooms, although there was very few mushrooms. If you remove the toast from the plate, the breakfast looks really small, and it was, as we were all still hungry. There were some beautiful flavours coming from the bacon and tattie scone but the over cooked egg, clumpy beans, tough sausage and small portions lose this breakfast another point. If the portions were bigger and all the food was cooked to perfection then this breakfast would easily score 4 stars but it only scores 3 out of 5 for now.

In summary this is a breakfast that has some of the best cooked produce we have tried and also some of the worst cooked – eggs, beans and sausage. The amount of food on the plate also lets this breakfast down quite substantially as this could have been one of the nicest we have tried.

Recommendations for the Owner to achieve Full Scottish Breakfast Greatness:
(In order of priority)

1. Increase the portion size of bacon, sausages, beans and mushrooms.
2. Improve the cooking of the fried egg.
3. Improve the quality of the sausage.
4. Give the customer the option of how they would like their eggs cooked.
5. Add haggis to the menu of add on options.
6. Give the customer the option of brown or white bread.

Breakfast served at times
9 - 12 am Mon - Sun
Breakfast advertised as
All day breakfast
Breakfast contents
Fried Egg
1 Sausage
1 Rasher of bacon
Black Pudding
Tomato slice
Tattie scone

Lorne Sausage £1 Extra
Tea/Coffee Included
Tea/Coffee £1.50
How cooked
Service Time Queuing
Service Time Waiting for Order
15 mins
Star Score
Points deducted for
No choice of eggs or bread
No haggis
Cooking quality



Tesco in Dingwall contains its own café which is open every day from 8am until the evening. The café is the standard supermarket layout and the breakfast items are laid out under hot lamps. We didn’t wait long to be served and it took around 5 minutes from start of serving to reaching the till to pay.

The Great 8 breakfast advertises a pre-selected choice of items, 2 sausages, 1 bacon, tomato, beans, fried egg, mushrooms and a hash brown. However you don’t have to choose these items and you can choose 8 of anything, including; lorne sausage, fried bread, scrambled egg, plum tomatoes, black pudding and a tattie scone. The only thing they didn’t include was a slice of haggis. If you want more items you can pay 65p extra for each of them. We opted for all the ingredients that are included in the Ultimate Full Scottish Breakfast, minus the haggis, which was a total of 9 item plus toast.

The bacon was very dry due to the hot lamp it had been placed under for who knows how long. The lorne sausage looked dry too but was actually quite moist and the links sausage was also ok. The black pudding was ok but they ran out of it by the time the whole review team could grab a piece, with no option of having more freshly cooked, with an hour of breakfast time still to go. The fried egg was freshly cooked but if you wanted scrambled egg, it was stored in a dish under the hot lamp. The tomato that was served was a little on the small side but you are served a good portion of beans and mushrooms. There was no complaints on the quality of the tattie scone. Some of the team opted to have some fried bread but were extremely disappointed, as it was like “plywood”, not cardboard but plywood!

Unfortunately the breakfast doesn’t include toast and you have to pay 99p for it but you do get the choice of white or brown. You also have to pay £1.19 extra for tea. In total for 8 items with tea and toast it will cost you £7.17. If you add all the 9 items minus the haggis for the Ultimate Full Scottish Breakfast it will cost you £7.82.

In the points review, the breakfast starts with the base of 2 stars as it contains all the ingredients for the basic breakfast and also gains marks for extra items such as lorne sausage, tomatoes/mushrooms. It doesn’t gain any further marks as they don’t have the option of a poached egg or haggis and the produce was only average. The bacon was also dry so it loses a mark there. After weighing up the positive and negative points, this breakfast scores 3 out of 5 stars.

Overall a decent sized breakfast only let down by the food not being freshly cooked and missing haggis. Not bad for a supermarket though.

Recommendations for the Owner to achieve Full Scottish Breakfast Greatness:
(In order of priority)

1. Include haggis in the breakfast.
2. Option of a poached egg.
3. Don’t leave food under the hot lamp for too long as it becomes dry.

Breakfast served at times
8am - 11.30am Mon - Sun
Breakfast advertised as
Great 8 Breakfast
Breakfast contents
2 Sausages
1 Bacon
Fried egg
Hash brown

OR Pick 8 for £4.99 from the above plus
Lorne sausage
Fried bread
Scrambled egg
Plum tomatoes
Black pudding
Tattie scone

Extra items 65p each
Toast brown or white – 99p Extra
Tea/Coffee Included
Tea/coffee £1.19
How cooked
Service Time Queuing
5 minutes
Service Time Waiting for Order
5 minutes
Star Score
Points deducted for
No haggis, charging toast and no option of a poached egg.

Crazy Horse Coffee Shop


The Crazy Horse Coffee Shop is located in Invergordon High Street and seems popular with local residents. There is nothing striking or memorable about the décor but the setting is pleasant enough. We were seated immediately and service was instant.

The toast arrived quickly and the bread used was nice, however we weren’t given the option of brown or white bread. We did hear the other customers being offered the choice between brown or white, so the waitress must have forgot to ask.

The breakfast is served on a large plate which was maybe just slightly too large for the contents, as it looks empty in places, however this is deceptive and the breakfast is filling. The breakfast was fried and some of the items were slightly over cooked. This breakfast came with 2 fried eggs, we weren’t given the choice of poached or scrambled. The eggs were cooked just 30 seconds too long and half the yolk was runny and the other half not. They were also too greasy and some of the oil should have been allowed to run off before plating. The 2 sausages were good and the 2 rashers of bacon were slightly burnt on the edges – but still edible. Unfortunately the black pudding served was probably the worst we have tasted and could only be described as a bit rubbery. The tattie scone was ok but the hash brown wasn’t the greatest tasting. The final item on the plate was beans, which were fine. The breakfast did lack one of the basic ingredients for a full Scottish, there was no tomatoes or mushrooms.

Tea and coffee aren’t included in the price and cost £1.50 extra. This takes the cost of the breakfast up to £7.95, which is working out at about the average price of breakfasts we have reviewed so far. The Crazy Horse also offers the Mini Rig Breakfast for £4.95 and includes all the ingredients listed above, but with only one of each item (you get more than one bean though).

In the points review this breakfast loses a point for not including a basic ingredient, tomatoes or mushrooms. Including either one of these would allow this breakfast to start off with a base score of two stars, but unfortunately it drops to one star. The breakfast is also missing a lorne sausage and haggis to meet the ultimate Full Scottish Breakfast requirement. With no choice in how you would like your eggs cooked, is another reason this breakfast would fail to be the Ultimate Full Scottish Breakfast. This breakfast did nothing to gain any additional points as the produce wasn’t the best – the sausages were good – but everything else remained average and the food was slightly over cooked.

Overall this is a disappointing review and can read a bit harsh, but it is our honest opinion after sampling many, many breakfasts. This is our first breakfast to score below the base level score of the basic Full Scottish Breakfast. With this score we would say that the breakfast is overpriced for the quality of food and should include tea and coffee to justify the price.

Recommendations for the Owner to achieve Full Scottish Breakfast Greatness:
(In order of priority)

1. Included mushrooms or a tomato – preferably both.
2. Include tea/coffee in the price of the breakfast.
3. Find a better supplier of black pudding.
4. Include lorne sausage and haggis.

Breakfast served at times
9.30am – 3.30pm
Breakfast advertised as
Big Rig Breakfast
Breakfast contents
2 Sausages
2 Bacon
2 Egg
Black Pudding
Tattie Scone
Hash Brown
Tea/Coffee Included
Tea/Coffee £1.50
How cooked
Service Time Queuing
Service Time Waiting for Order
Star Score
Points deducted for
Lack of mushrooms, tomato, lorne sausage and haggis.

Platform 1864


Platform 1864 is located in the train station at Tain, which was recently refurbished and opened at the end of 2015. The Platform has a good vibe about it and the décor shows the history of the station, while still remaining modern. We were seated straight away and orders were taken quickly.

The breakfasts took 15 minutes to arrive, which is the average time for delivery of a cooked breakfast. The breakfast is advertised as a full breakfast and contains 3 sausages, which were tasty. It was good to see 3 sausages as they were the skinnier type rather than a chunky Cumberland sausage. It also included 2 rashers of bacon, a tomato, beans, and a nice black pudding. The mushrooms that were provided, were the best I have tasted since sampling breakfasts and I could have eaten more, they were that good. We were also given the choice of eggs which were nicely cooked. The toast that was provided was also very good and it was placed on the plate, instead of a side plate. Had the toast been on the side I feel like the breakfast would have looked quite small. Unfortunately the breakfast didn’t include a tattie scone, which is a must for a basic Scottish breakfast and this would have filled the plate if the toast was on the side.

This breakfast was really good but it was a tad expensive at £8.95. Tea and coffee wasn’t included in the price and the tea cost £1.85 extra. The total price came to £10.80 for breakfast and tea, which is £2.15 more expensive than our last review – which was deemed expensive. If the tea and coffee was included in the breakfast price then I feel that this high price would be more reasonable, but it would still be the most expensive breakfast reviewed so far.

In the scoring, the lack of a tattie scone lost the breakfast a mark as this is a basic must have item. However the breakfast gained marks for the quality of the produce and the great taste. Therefore the Platform 1864 scored 3 out of 5 stars. The breakfast couldn’t be scored any higher than this due to the lack of a lorne sausage and a haggis, which are required for the Ultimate Full Scottish breakfast. If a tattie scone was included then this would easily have scored 4 out of 5.

Overall this was a very tasty breakfast, with the downside of being very expensive. The inclusion of a tattie scone and tea included in the price would make this restaurant a first choice for me.

Recommendations for the Owner to achieve Full Scottish Breakfast Greatness:
(In order of priority)

1. Include tea and coffee in the price.
2. Addition of a tattie scone.
3. Addition of haggis and a lorne sausage.

Breakfast served at times
10 - 2.30pm Mon - Sun (Winter)
8.30 - 2.30pm Mon - Sun (Summer, after Easter)
Breakfast advertised as
Full Breakfast
Breakfast contents
Choice of Fried Egg, Poached or Scrambled
3 Sausages
2 Rashers of bacon
Black Pudding
Tomato half
Toast – choice of brown or white
Tea/Coffee Included
£1.85 for Tea
How cooked
Service Time Queuing
Service Time Waiting for Order
15 min
Star Score

Points deducted for
Lack of a tattie scone, lorne sausage and haggis.

Scoring Criteria Change

Following several reviews, quite a few breakfasts were scoring 3.5 and there were no breakfast scoring 1 or 2. We felt that this wasn't using the full range of the star scoring system, so we opted to change it slightly. 

The base level for the basic ingredients required for a full Scottish breakfast now starts at 2 and not 3. All previously marked scores with 3.5 have been changed to a 3 and all 3 stars have been changed to a 2.

This will give a better representation of the best breakfasts in the area.

Ship Inn


The Ship Inn is located on the Shore Road of Invergordon directly opposite the Service Base. The restaurant/B&B has recently been refurbished and it looks great inside. It has plenty of seats and has an open fire that was lit, which made for a cosy atmosphere. As this was the morning, the restaurant wasn’t too busy so we were seated instantly. We were also served immediately. The breakfast is an all you can eat buffet with all the items laid out, except for the eggs, these were cooked to order, so there is only a 5 minute waiting time for these and they were cooked to perfection.

The downside to a buffet is that the food can be overcooked or dried out by the time you get to eat them. The item that suffered the most from this was the beans. They were what I would describe as ‘clumpy’, there was a small film of bean juice on top of the beans and all the juices had dried up. The black pudding seemed to have also suffered slightly and it was quite dry. The sausages and bacon were fine though. The breakfast also included a hash brown and it was also great to see a lorne sausage – this is the first one we have come across in our breakfast reviews. Overall the breakfast appeared to be grilled apart from the mushrooms. The meat produce provided could only be described as average – there was nothing more-ish about them – but the bacon was good, you can’t go wrong with bacon, can you?

The breakfast is advertised as an ‘All you can eat Breakfast’ on the board outside for £6.95, but it fails to mention that toast is an extra 50p and the tea and coffee costs an extra £1.20. For £6.95 I would expect them to be included, after all they aren’t expensive items and certainly not £1.70 worth. Unfortunately this breakfast is more like the Ryanair of breakfasts, with added extra costs that you weren’t expecting. In total you will have to pay £8.65 for a breakfast with items that you would expect to be included in the breakfast price, therefore this is the most expensive breakfast we have had, costing 70p more than its next competitor.

In the points review, the breakfast loses a point for not including a tattie scone, which is necessary for the basic ingredients in a Full Scottish, however the breakfast is not advertised as such. To achieve the Ultimate Full Scottish Breakfast, tomatoes and haggis would also have to be provided. The breakfast gained a point for having a lorne sausage though and the hash brown was a bonus. The breakfast failed to gain any more points on the produce as it was only average and the items weren’t all cooked to perfection – probably due to the hot plate. If all these items had been provided, the score would have been higher, maybe a 4 but unfortunately not a 5 as the items were not freshly cooked and the produce was not the highest of standard. Therefore the breakfast only scores a 2 out of 5.

This breakfast would be better if it was cooked to order, but it is understandable considering the market they are catering to. Workers from the service base wouldn’t have time to wait 15-20 minutes for a cooked breakfast, so a buffet is the best option. The food is in no way bad and it was a good feed. I did think that the breakfast was overpriced, and £6.95 would be reasonable with tea and toast included. I had expected greater things from the breakfast as the lunches in the Ship Inn are superb and well priced – possibly the best lunches in Invergordon.

Recommendations for the Owner to achieve Full Scottish Breakfast Greatness:
(In order of priority)

1.       Don’t charge extra for tea/coffee or toast.
2.       Include a tattie scone.
3.       Include tomato and haggis.
4.       If you can – cook to order.

Breakfast served at times
8am-11am Mon-Fri
Breakfast advertised as
All you can eat Breakfast
Breakfast contents
Unlimited Amount
Choice of Fried Egg, Poached or Scrambled
Lorne Sausage
Black Pudding
Hash Brown
Toast – choice of brown or white – 50p Extra
Tea/Coffee Included
No - £1.20 Extra, unlimited refills
How cooked
Service Time Queuing
Service Time Waiting for Order
5 minutes
Star Score
Points deducted for

No tattie scone, tomato or haggis.